2024, A Year In My Life
If 2023 was the year that taught me the value of taking a step back to leap forward, then 2024 whispered an even deeper truth — life and relationships are all about perspective. Writing: The Battle of…
If 2023 was the year that taught me the value of taking a step back to leap forward, then 2024 whispered an even deeper truth — life and relationships are all about perspective. Writing: The Battle of…
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a widely used source code editor that offers a variety of features to enhance developer productivity. One of such features is the ability to utilize code snippets…
2022 taught me that the world is laden with so much goodness but we need to explore and not merely exist; 2023 taught me that not everything works the way we envisage and it's okay to rethink and re…
Embarking on your coding journey often involves wrangling complex ideas and processes. Visualizing these concepts can be a game-changer, and that's where Mermaid diagrams come to the rescue. In this…
I recently read the book "Trust Works! Four Keys to Building Lasting Relationships" and would like to share my key take aways. Trust Works! Four Keys to Building Lasting Relationships is a book…
Accelerate, a book co-authored by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim delves into the world of software development, focusing on the principles of Lean, DevOps, and their impact on…
When we quit limiting ourselves and open up to a world of possibilities, we'll soar. 2021 taught me that with grace, preparation and flexibility, anyone can progress in certain aspects of life; 202…
Have you ever been in a situation where you press the Enter key after typing and then realize that you made a mistake in your commit message or could have structured it in a better manner? Keep…
Life do not happen by chance but as a result of grace and meaningful planning. 2020 taught me to appreciate freedom; 2021 taught me that with grace, preparation and flexibility, anyone can progress in…
I wrote an article for LogRocket on Deep Dive into Event Bubbling and Capturing. In the article, I explained how event bubbling and capturing works with a practical example. Read the article on…
Copying text especially code snippets or API key from web pages is a herculean task and I know a lot of developers would find the process of selecting a combination of the CTRL or CMD key with the C…
We easily get distracted by information vying for our attention on a daily basis. As a result, people tend to open a lot of tabs on their personal computers and hardly return to them once their…
Have you been in a situation where you commit your code and SonarQube adds comments identifying bad coding styles to be resolved? You make the changes and commit again and the issue still persists…
GitHub released a feature to enable users add README to their GitHub profile. In this article I share steps on how to achieve this. Most developers want to secure better jobs, get awesome…
Most times, we do not appreciate what we have till we lose it. 2019 gave us freedom, 2020 brought physical confinement. 2020 was a year that taught us to be grateful for the things we see as little…
Many designers and developers view accessibility as an afterthought. However, adhering to accessibility best practices leads to a higher customer retention rate and increases generated revenue…
Key stroke, click, resize, scroll events, etcetera add performance overhead to applications if we respond to these events each time they are fired. The aim is to limit the number of times a function…
The more customer-focused a business is, the more people they put into consideration during brainstorming sessions. This lead to better design decisions and user experience which in turn yields more…
I, like many others set goals and build atomic habits to help achieve these goals. One of my goals last year was to explore new grounds. Sequel to this, I left Konga, one of the 2 major players in the…
Hoisting is a popularly known term in JavaScript but do you understand how it works? If you've been able to invoke a function on a line prior to the line it was declared, read on to understand why. In…
Do you use your terminal a lot? I bet you would want to add some text to look at each time you launch your terminal. In this article, you would create a custom message on your terminal using Figlet…
When working with data, situations arise where you aren’t sure that the property you need exists. To build fault-tolerant applications despite issues like this, default values are provided to make…
Writing good commit messages is an under-valued skill. Why does it seem to count; shouldn't only technical skills count? Well, possessing it as a developer helps in the following ways: It adds clarity…
As a JavaScript developer, you may have been in a position of using forEach or map array method on the object to iterate through the elements of an array and wondered the choice to make based on…
We are in an era of dark mode. Some people who prefer dark mode are of the opinion that using dark mode helps the eyes by exposing it to less light, to some, dark mode is used due to it's known…
To JavaScript developers, writing console messages is done almost on a daily basis. The console is like a good friend. It makes the debugging process easier. These messages can be displayed in many…
You probably must have heard of the terms imperative vs declarative and wondered what it means and how to apply it while programming. In computer science, declarative programming is a programming…
2018 was an awesome year for me, albeit 2019 was better - a year of fitting into big shoes. It was filled with God's unending faithfulness. There's a lot to reflect on, this past year: Relationship…
The this keyword is one of the concepts you must encounter in your journey as a JavaScript developer. Yet, it is misunderstood by a lot of developers. is determined by the context of the code being…
On October 11th and 12th, I attended the Concatenate Conference held at Zone Tech Park, Lagos, Nigeria. It is a free conference for African developers. This year's event happened in style as the event…
When you input a URL to fetch content using the browser, certain processes occur under the hood - DNS resolution, request/response cycle and rendering. The Domain Name Server (DNS) matches the domain…
SOLID is a core principle of object-oriented design promoted by Robert C. Martin. It is an acronym for software design principles applied when crafting maintainable software solutions. S - Single…
Having an efficient code review process is essential to ensure code quality, grow as a team and get a good grasp of the entire project. However, different people view code review in different ways…
When working on complex UIs or dynamic JavaScript-updated content, there are times when you cannot achieve your goal using semantic HTML. This is where ARIA plays an important role. It supplements…
The web plays a big role in our lives; the home of great resources. But, you contribute towards making these resources unreachable to certain users if you do not build with accessibility in mind…
We have been conversant with using pixels for sizing in CSS, but why use em or rem? When building accessible websites, you need to consider inclusion. When you use px, you don't put user preferences…
Research shows that a higher percentage of users will abandon a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. To retain these users who visit your website, it is important to curtail what you ship…
We are in a busy world where different things fight for our attention at the same time. Opening a new tab may mean that you will never go back to the previously opened tab. So, why not utilize each…
I recently gave a talk on "Avoiding Shell Hell: Aliases to the Rescue" at the forloop Lagos Summit. An event organized by forloop Africa in Lagos, Nigeria. It was actually my first conference talk…
Most times, CSS seems difficult to work with. You find out that styles you applied to a particular element don't take effect and you keep wondering why. This is as a result of CSS specificity…
Code editors have evolved over the years. A few years ago, there was no Visual Studio Code (VS Code). You were probably using Sublime Text, Atom, Bracket, etc. But with the release of VS Code, it has…
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is well known in web development as the flesh of HTML documents. While HTML gives a website its structure, CSS deals with the presentation. It makes websites visually…
The importance of quality Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) in any codebase cannot be over-emphasized. HTML is the backbone of any website, the skeleton fleshed out with CSS and brought to life with…
Perhaps, you are considering joining the tech industry and asking about where to start as a newbie. Questions concerning this is usually raised during meetups and personal discussions with people. The…
2018 was an awesome year for me. I wouldn’t say it’s a perfect year, though I improved personally and professionally and I’ll be sharing my accomplishments with you. The year started with few…
Are writers born or made? This is the first question you need to ask yourself. Hmm! I guess they are born, you might have muttered. You see yourself constantly writing and ending up not publishing…
John is a budding software developer excited about building usable products. He develops and hosts applications using cheap hosting services. After a few months of diving into software development, he…
Have you heard of Google Chrome Dev Summit? If you haven’t heard of it and the awesome cool things Chrome engineers have been working on lately, this article is for you. I’m a front-end engineer…
Sometimes, using the default terminal sucks. You want to go out of the ordinary, to add life to the boring terminal and improve your productivity. In this walk-through, we will configure iTerm2 with…
A lot of people are yet to discover the amazing things they can achieve with Google Chrome. Those without the desire to explore do not really know the usefulness of a tool within their reach. To some…
Each day, on this road less taken, I learn a lot by reading tech articles, documentations, solving daily challenges faced at work and listening to podcasts from great minds which I rarely document. I…